Hello Virgo, we’ve been waiting all year for your arrival! As we begin to finally wind down from the fire and brimstone of Leo season, the earthly and gentle aura of Virgo marks the end of the summer. And what a summer it was! With supermoons, planetary alignments, and a total lunar eclipse, it may have felt like a wave of energy and emotion for people of every sign. So, as we enter into Virgo season, let’s take a moment to appreciate the opportunity for peace and growth that this time of year offers us after such a busy time.
Virgo, you may have had a pretty serious year so far! With the productive and business minded energy of Jupiter in Pisces all the way up until the end of May, it may have felt like the first half of 2022 took on a very serious tone. Hopefully, this summer offered you a bit of a break from your “all work and no play” approach to this year with some opportunities to travel and break out of that comfort zone of yours. Whether it’s been good or it’s been bad, you can certainly say that it has been productive. Thriving under pressure is a super power of yours afterall! Try to take a breath, Virgo. As your stars take their throne in the sky, it’s actually time for you to finally earn some much needed R and R.
Virgos are known for their practical and reliable approach to life and personal relationships. They are quick thinkers with the bubbling creativity to match. However, this can lead to some anxiety and tension, as their minds are like a whirlwind, constantly buzzing with thoughts, ideas, and solutions to the current situation at hand. As a Virgo, it’s probably easy for you to get wrapped up in your own head- a space that goes from thriving creativity to a stress filled cage very quickly. Don’t forget to allow yourself time to relax, Virgo. It was already mentioned that you’ve probably had a very busy and productive year so far. As we ride out the latter half of 2022, try to cut yourself some slack. You’ve already put in the brunt of the work that you’ve needed for the year, thoroughly forcing you out of your comfort zone, and towards the beginning of this astrological season, you may find yourself settling conflicts and tying up loose ends. Let yourself enjoy the fruits of all that labor. The end of this year is simply a wave to ride out- so try to appreciate the journey.
For all you non-virgos out there (Don’t worry, I didn’t forget about you!) try to take a page out of Virgo’s book as we step into autumn. The new moon in Virgo on August 27th allows us a moment to appreciate what we have, as well as focus on the things we wish to achieve. And while the rest of this Virgo season remains pretty quiet as far as celestial events go, it does offer us a time of peace and recuperation. Find your center and take some time to reconnect with your life and the world around you. Virgo reminds us to remain steadfast, but also gentle in our daily actions. Remember to nurture yourself, no matter what your sign.